“We live our best lives by following Jesus” “In the Beatitudes, Jesus challenges our worldviews and shows us that we are to live in a Spirit-filled way that is counter-cultural – we are blessed in being disciples in this way” “We remember the promises God has made through the Beatitudes and keep our eyes fixed on the rewards to come” …
Longing for Home
There was a time when the people of Israel were taken away from their country in chains to live in another country. There are some parallels for everyone’s life journey. Join us this Sunday at 10am to find out more: https://youtu.be/m-zXU6B1_KI
Life in a Democracy
Who should lead our country? This is the question that Israel is working through in this week’s Big Story. Join us this Sunday at 10am to find out more: https://youtu.be/DjXHkWKlxlw
Keeping It Simple
A marriage made from heaven. Just 10 simple command(ment)s. What could possibly go wrong? Join us this Sunday at 10am as we continue our Big Story series: https://youtu.be/LVv9BJEPLPQ
Big News: God has a Plan!
After the bad news last week where God’s good creation descended into chaos, this week should cheer you up: God has a plan! May this week’s story of Abram be an encouragement to us as we persevere in trusting God as well! Join us this Sunday at 10am as we continue our Big Story series: https://youtu.be/jU1DmshR0eg
Not What Was Advertised?
As we look around the world, it doesn’t take long for us to recognize that the world we inhabit looks nothing like the paradise that God created. So what went wrong? What hope is there for humankind? Join us this Sunday at 10am as we continue our Big Story series: https://youtu.be/Wpbp8od-0Lo
In the Beginning
This week we start a new series, doing a Bible overview starting with creation. Can we still believe in the idea of creation as post-modern 21st century people? What was the point of creation? Was suffering a part of God’s plan? Join us this Sunday at 10am as we take a peek at where it all began: https://youtu.be/g-QB8YHeps0
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Have you even been too overconfident? Have you ever thought you could do something before you found out you were dead wrong? As Christians, we’re not impervious to being tempted by the wrong thinking that God loves us because we’re good, instead of loving us because he is. Join us for this week’s parable of Jesus at 10am this Sunday: …
The Parable of the Bad Tenants
Sometimes when we read Jesus’ stories there is some ambiguity around the details. However the Parable of the Bad Tenants is not such a story. So what are we to take away from this parable? Join us for this week’s parable of Jesus at 10am this Sunday: https://youtu.be/NDUS_27n8Oc
The Parable of the Talents
What is the goal or purpose of your life? The point of the Christian life is not to sit around waiting for Jesus to return, ignoring or burying the gifts God has given us. One day, we too will stand before God. On that day may hear Him say “Well done good and faithful servant!” Join us for this week’s …