“Knowing Jesus & Sharing His Love”
Vision Statement
At Concord Baptist we seek to be a church that
- Is growing and thriving, where people are excited to attend, and want to invite friends, and who come to church with an expectation of meeting God, where worship is real and authentic and where God’s Spirit touches and transforms lives.
- Loves Jesus supremely, where He invades everything we say and do, at work and home and in all our relationships. A church, where the Great Commission is our first priority.
- Teaches the Bible in such a way that people want to align themselves with its values, beliefs and practices. Where gifts and talents are used in the building up of the body. A church that sees people come to Christ and develops them into fully devoted followers of Jesus.
- Is genuinely welcoming of all who walk through the door regardless of background, social standing, ethnicity or age. A diverse church family that loves and serves each other, where acceptance of others permeates all we say and do. Where motivation comes from a heart that loves God and therefore puts the interests of others before self interest.
- Makes corporate and personal prayer a matter of great urgency. Where in faith we embrace total dependency on God for the advancement of His Kingdom and for His blessing and power upon all our ministries.
- Is significantly connected to its community, and serves it in relevant and life changing ways, providing opportunity for all ages to be involved in activities that help them find new life in Jesus.
- Is open every day, and that uses its facilities as a centre of ministry. Where people can feel safe and cared for, where they can be involved in activities that help meet their needs and enable them to discover their real need of Jesus.
- Has a focus beyond itself, that is prepared to see people and teams raised up, trained and sent to the world to reach the unreached for Christ.
Core Values
We acknowledge Christ as Head of our church and submit ourselves and all our activities to His will and purpose.
We accept the authority of the Bible as God’s Word and are committed to its clear communication and personal application.
As people in relationship with God, we believe it is essential that as individuals and as a church community, we communicate with God in all aspects of our lives.
We value corporate and personal worship that is Spirit empowered, that honours God, and is meaningful, vibrant and relevant.
We value servant leadership that both cares for people and motivates and inspires for the future.
As a group of people we value our diversity, yet strive for unity, through our common love for God. We are committed to encouraging the building of caring and supportive relationships.
We believe in unconditional acceptance of all people by reflecting the grace that God has shown us through Jesus. We are motivated through love and thankfulness rather than guilt, shame and duty.
We believe that the God of our salvation deserves the best we have to offer. We value helping Christians develop Christ likeness and integrity in all areas of living.
We value the God-gifted contribution that every person can make and are committed to encouraging everyone to utilize their gifts in the service of others.
We believe that God cares passionately for all people. Because of our relationship with God we share this passion and want others (both locally and globally) to know God. This passion will involve us in ministering to people at a spiritual, emotional
and physical level. - CULTURAL RELEVANCE
We are committed to forms of worship and ministry that communicate Christ to our society in ways that they can understand and relate to.
Doctrinal Statement
- The Divine inspiration and authority of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
- The existence of One God in three Persons, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- The sinfulness of man, his lost estate by nature.
- The Deity of Jesus Christ, His incarnation as the Son of God, His atoning death as the sole ground of our salvation, His resurrection from the dead, His exaltation to the right hand of God where He ever lives to make intercession for His people and His coming again to receive His own people to Himself and to judge the world.
- The need of the Holy Spirit for conversion and sanctification.
- The resurrection of the dead.
- Rewards and punishments in a future state.
- The baptism of believers by immersion as a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ and sign of a new life.