Concord Baptist Church is a family of regular people who love Jesus and have found that life works best when we do it together with God and each other. Our goal is to be a welcoming and inclusive community of people; we might not have all the answers but we are listening to God’s Word and caring for one another along the way. As a church we are on a journey; seeking to discover what living with God’s Holy Spirit looks like in a multicultural city like Sydney. It is our privilege to worship together with people from a wide range of ages, cultures and backgrounds.

Our regular Sunday Service starts at 9:30am. All welcome!


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Our Sermons are also on YouTube!

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To find out more about Jesus, click the ‘are you new to church’ button above and we’ll be in touch!

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Contact Us
1-3 Carrington Street, Nth Strathfield, 2137, NSW
(02) 9746 1827

Latest Sermon at CBC

Who will you serve?

As Joshua comes to the end of his long life he gathers the Israelites together for one final message from the LORD.

He reminds them of all the incredible things that God has done for generations of Israelites all the way back to Abraham.

This recounting of God’s marvelous deeds has a purpose; to inspire the Israelites to choose to love and serve God all the days of their life.

For the Israelites and for us all, there are only two ways to live; God’s way or our own. Will we say as Joshua did “as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”?

– Pastor Jono Smith (14 July 2024)