Have you ever seen someone behaving badly and felt compelled to call them out? This is exactly what happened between the Apostle Paul and the Apostle Peter. May we be encouraged by their example; to see good come out of conflict. To speak the truth in love and encourage the people around us to remain firm in what is right. …
Standing Firm on the Gospel
The Apostle Paul’s great conviction is that salvation has been made available to all people on the basis of faith in the Lord Jesus. This Sunday we are commencing a new series in Paul’s letter to the Galatians. The gospel that Paul received from God is the gospel that endures right up to this present day! Find out more this …
Extraordinary Faith
The Bible is full of stories of people who trust in God and step out in faith in amazing ways. This week we are looking at the example of a woman named Ruth. Find out more about this extraordinary woman of faith this Sunday at 10am: https://youtu.be/_EJhaTwe33w
A Whale of a Story
Man swallowed by giant whale lands on Mediterranean beach. Only on Facebook? Find out the full story this Sunday at 10am: https://youtu.be/Fd4MDNQdqqo
Opportunities in the Face of Challenges
This Sunday we’re joined by David Starling from Morling College who will encourage us to think wisely about our lives as Christians in these times of Covid-19. What does the bible say about how we should live in light of this crisis? How should we think about ourselves, others, our future and the world around us? Tune in this Sunday …
Read what the Romans read!
How can we thrive in a broken world? How can we stop the broken world from breaking us? All roads lead to Rome. Or at least, to a letter that was going there. Join us to find out more about HOPE, HELP and HEALING, this Sunday on YouTube from 10am: https://youtu.be/VHm8MDQfoJs
Time’s Up!
Over the last three months we’ve been working our way through the Big Picture of the Bible. There is a yearning in many hearts for an end to the injustice and greed and cruelty that pervades so much of the world in which we live. The good news is that Jesus has promised to return and put an end to …
Life in the Spirit
Being a Christian isn’t simply adhering to a statement of beliefs about something that happened 2000 years ago. Being a Christian is the lived experience of walking in faith with God’s Holy Spirit. May you hear the Spirit’s voice this week – leading you and encouraging you ever onward with Him! The YouTube premiere starts at 10am this Sunday: https://youtu.be/fXVXlMiigao
Of First Importance
The Big Story of the Bible can be told very simply “God loves you and wants to give you life”. Join us this Sunday as we explore again the central truths of the Christian faith: 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was …
The Pinnacle
As we consider the life and teaching of Jesus’ is there a story of Jesus that resonates particularly with you? All of the promises and stories and teachings in the Old Testament find their fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ. As we return to our Bible overview series this Sunday, join us at 10am to find out …